• Applies the Relationship Attachment Model to couples’ relationships
• How to regularly balance your imbalances
• Skills for open communication and conflict resolution
Falling in love is easy… staying in love is an art. A couple who still feels “in love” after years of marriage is unsinkable in the waves of life. In the LINKS Program you will learn how to regularly revitalize the dynamic links of your marriage with the Relationship Attachment Model (RAM). LINKS will help you gain skills for communication, conflict resolution, forgiveness and rebuilding trust, satisfying personal needs, constructing a marriage story, and growing together sexually. When you go through the LINKS program you will learn how to conduct “huddles”—an essential meeting that you can use in your marriage to regularly strengthen the five dynamics of the RAM. This will keep your relationship strong and surface potential problems long before they dampen the intimacy in your marriage
The current single adult population in the U.S. has grown to over 50 million people. Almost every one of them is looking for a soulmate, but lacking theoretically sound, practical knowledge for how to do so. The PICK or How to Avoid Falling for a Jerk(ette) Program has been taught for the past 15 years. This five or ten-lesson curriculum has been successfully used as a roadmap for singles to follow in building a healthy relationship and choosing a marriage partner. The program: • Has been empirically validated in a published study conducted by The Ohio State University. • Has successfully crossed generational and social economic boundaries. • Is successfully taught to teens, young-adults, and singles-again. • Has over 4,000 certified instructors in military, educational, religious, prison, and agency settings
"Thank you for providing some of the tools and keys for us to strengthen our marriage. We loved the opportunity to pray together and enjoyed the exercises to get us involved in the learning. Great idea for married couples"
W & J Smith
"I would like to thank you both for coming to speak to the Marriage Enrichment class a couple of weeks ago. What you had to say was such an inspiration. Your passion for marriage and the family unit is exactly what our decaying society needs at such a time as this. You touched many of the people in our class that day more than you may know. It's wonderful to know that God is raising up people to fight the spiritual battle that is required to make a difference with all the evil that is going on around us."
L & P Thompkins
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